REGD. OFFICE: 11, TRISARAN SOCIETY, KHAMALA, NAGPUR - 440 025.PH. 2282447/457 MOBILE-9422108846. http://us.f431.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=vidarbha@gmail.com
=============================================================== REF: - FARMER'S SUICIDES VERY-URGENT-PRESS NOTE DATED-1st MAY,2007
Nagpur-1ST MAY 2007
The cotton growing area of west vidarbha under agrarian crisis has recorded 350 farm suicides in first four months of 2007 but there is no drop down in sowing of highly failure bt. Cotton in this region as it is reported locally that this year area covered under bt. Cotton sowing is likely double that from 8 lacs hector to 16 lacs hector as all seed traders cum money lenders are giving bt. Cotton seeds on credit to these debt trap farmers after as more than 95% cotton farmers failed to repay crop loan this year due poor cotton crop and drop down in market rate of cotton. banker are not giving fresh loan to defaulter cotton farmers where as Monsanto is giving huge credit and lucrative schemes to seed traders and they are in turn forcing innocent cotton farmers to purchase these failure bt. Cotton seed. local administration has reported this fact to Indian Govt. but everybody is turning blind eye as American genetically modified seed giant Monsanto has protection from US President Bush where as in India agriculture minister of India sharad pawar is patron of this company in India ,infomed by vidarbha jan andolan samiti in press note released today india. VJAS has been demanding complete ban on bt. Cotton in west vidarbha as now it’s official that bt. Cotton has been failed in rainfed area and in all most all 95% area is rain fed and farmers has to depend upon monsoon which is not regular and small and marginal farmers are suffering from massive economic losses due to frequent failure of bt. cotton and majority of 2500 cotton farmers suicides reported since June 2005 are small and marginal farmers who opted bt. Cotton seed in rain fed area, kishor tiwari vjas added. VJAS DEMANDS BAN ON Bt. COTTON BOLLGARDII IN VIDARBHA .
After mass sowing permission by GEAC in June –2005 for Bt.cotton in vidarbha more than 2230 cotton farmers suicides have been reported and govt. of maharashtra has compensated cotton growers rs.219 core and rs.210 crore in the year 2005-2006 and year 2006-2007 for the failure of Bt.cotton in rain fed area of vidarbha and maharashtra govt. on record admitted that Bt. Cotton has been failed in rain fed area of vidarbha whereas 95% area of vidarbha is rain fed. now bt.cotton manufacturing American company has introduced bollgardII seed has started it's high profile campaign that it's highly profitable and gives minimum 11 quintal yield where as according to govt. of maharashtra official report the cotton average yield has been dropped down to 120 kg per acre to hardly 50 kg per acre after introduction of Bt.cotton in vidarbha ,the claims made by the Monsanto company were resulted as fraudulent as cotton growers pesticide uses was not dropped down where cotton output was drastically effected resulting mass suicides of cotton farmers in vidarbha. kishor tiwari added.
Total failure rural health care, employment and social cum civil administration are the main reasons of farmer's suicides in west vidarbha and dr.sudhir goyal himself has asked Indian govt. that low cost sustainable farming is only solution of stop these suicides. Ban on Bt. Cotton and chemical farming is need of hour and cotton farmers should cultivate there than cotton should the programme of the state the official further demands. Restoration secondary systems like rural employment, health is also needed to stop these on going suicides but nobody is acting in this direction more over misleading press releases are adding fuel to extremely critical situation in vidarbha ,kishor tiwari in formed
Please arrange to release this press note
Yours faithfully
Kishor Tiwari
Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti
REGD. OFFICE: 11, TRISARAN SOCIETY, KHAMALA, NAGPUR - 440 025.PH. 2282447/457 MOBILE-9422108846. http://us.f431.mail.yahoo.com/ym/Compose?To=vidarbha@gmail.com
=============================================================== REF: - FARMER'S SUICIDES VERY-URGENT-PRESS NOTE DATED-1st MAY,2007
Nagpur-1ST MAY 2007
The cotton growing area of west vidarbha under agrarian crisis has recorded 350 farm suicides in first four months of 2007 but there is no drop down in sowing of highly failure bt. Cotton in this region as it is reported locally that this year area covered under bt. Cotton sowing is likely double that from 8 lacs hector to 16 lacs hector as all seed traders cum money lenders are giving bt. Cotton seeds on credit to these debt trap farmers after as more than 95% cotton farmers failed to repay crop loan this year due poor cotton crop and drop down in market rate of cotton. banker are not giving fresh loan to defaulter cotton farmers where as Monsanto is giving huge credit and lucrative schemes to seed traders and they are in turn forcing innocent cotton farmers to purchase these failure bt. Cotton seed. local administration has reported this fact to Indian Govt. but everybody is turning blind eye as American genetically modified seed giant Monsanto has protection from US President Bush where as in India agriculture minister of India sharad pawar is patron of this company in India ,infomed by vidarbha jan andolan samiti in press note released today india. VJAS has been demanding complete ban on bt. Cotton in west vidarbha as now it’s official that bt. Cotton has been failed in rainfed area and in all most all 95% area is rain fed and farmers has to depend upon monsoon which is not regular and small and marginal farmers are suffering from massive economic losses due to frequent failure of bt. cotton and majority of 2500 cotton farmers suicides reported since June 2005 are small and marginal farmers who opted bt. Cotton seed in rain fed area, kishor tiwari vjas added. VJAS DEMANDS BAN ON Bt. COTTON BOLLGARDII IN VIDARBHA .
After mass sowing permission by GEAC in June –2005 for Bt.cotton in vidarbha more than 2230 cotton farmers suicides have been reported and govt. of maharashtra has compensated cotton growers rs.219 core and rs.210 crore in the year 2005-2006 and year 2006-2007 for the failure of Bt.cotton in rain fed area of vidarbha and maharashtra govt. on record admitted that Bt. Cotton has been failed in rain fed area of vidarbha whereas 95% area of vidarbha is rain fed. now bt.cotton manufacturing American company has introduced bollgardII seed has started it's high profile campaign that it's highly profitable and gives minimum 11 quintal yield where as according to govt. of maharashtra official report the cotton average yield has been dropped down to 120 kg per acre to hardly 50 kg per acre after introduction of Bt.cotton in vidarbha ,the claims made by the Monsanto company were resulted as fraudulent as cotton growers pesticide uses was not dropped down where cotton output was drastically effected resulting mass suicides of cotton farmers in vidarbha. kishor tiwari added.
Total failure rural health care, employment and social cum civil administration are the main reasons of farmer's suicides in west vidarbha and dr.sudhir goyal himself has asked Indian govt. that low cost sustainable farming is only solution of stop these suicides. Ban on Bt. Cotton and chemical farming is need of hour and cotton farmers should cultivate there than cotton should the programme of the state the official further demands. Restoration secondary systems like rural employment, health is also needed to stop these on going suicides but nobody is acting in this direction more over misleading press releases are adding fuel to extremely critical situation in vidarbha ,kishor tiwari in formed
Please arrange to release this press note
Yours faithfully
Kishor Tiwari
Vidarbha Jan Andolan Samiti
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